For those who are willing, No proof is needed....

For those who are not willing, no proof is possible !

The information contained on this site is for Christians AND non Christians alike....

And if you call yourself Spiritual than this is also for you.


The fact that you visited this site shows us that you are interested in knowing the TRUTH of God and that's great because we have some overwhelming information that we would like to share with you.

What you are about to read is content from a few pages of the ebook called....

Finally Science Finds God !

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A book which contains undisputable scientific evidence that proves the Bible and the existence of God thanks to Religious leaders and top physicist working together side by side after being bitter enemies for so long.

We will present this information in a simple yet clear manor so that it may be easy to digest the overwhelming evidence being presented.

The Da vinci Code shocked the Religious community.....

This book will shock the world !

Before we begin, we want you to overstand this fact.

All truth passes through three stages.

First it is ridiculed

Second, it is violently opposed

And third, it is accepted as being self-evident

When you ask someone if they believe in God, most people immediately say yes but the truth is what they really believe in is what their particular religious leader or group told them about God, other than that they have no idea.

For those of you who have been following religious journeys all your lives, it is time to reconsider and understand the true nature of God once and for all.

Once you understand the true nature of God, the Bible becomes alive and the pieces of the puzzle start coming together piece by piece.

Finally we can now know and prove the existence of God and eliminate the need of having FAITH thanks to these religious leaders and scientist joining forces.

As Einstein once said:

Science without Religion is lame..... Religion without Science is blind.

The evidence and data being presented here will either strengthen your faith in God or shatter it....

But in the end, you won’t be able to dismiss the information and evidence being presented !

To begin, let us reflect on this particular Bible verse.

Isaiah 1:18 Come let us "REASON" together saith the lord.....

We are told to use reason because it is the power of the Mind to think, understand and form judgments by a process of logic.

We are offering 3 different options below to obtain this life changing information which will force you to think for yourself and question everything you have been taught about God all your life.

The information you are about to read below is our FREE ebook called B.I.B.L.E.

which stands for:


It is a summary of the ebook called

"Finally Science finds God"

A book that contains secret Biblical teachings plus scientific evidence and Data confirming the existence of what the Bible calls God.

We will present this information in a simple yet clear manor so that it may be easy to digest the overwhelming evidence being presented.

You are about to learn some of the secret instructions given to us by jesus hidden deep within the scriptures on how to know and get close to God, Secrets which have been hidden in plain sight within the bible until now !

The TRUTH will Shock and Amaze you !

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The information in this book is so foreign to anything I’ve heard in all my years of church, yet it very much has that “ring of truth”. The allegorical view of Scripture is also new to me, but I’m open to it. The revelations in this book are mind blowing.


The Bible when interpreted properly contains instructions and principles that when followed sets in motion the law of attraction and manifestation which allows you to obtain the life you desire.

Jesus and God both gave us specific instructions on how to do this throughout the scriptures but unfortunately we have failed to follow these instructions due to lack of knowledge and guidence.

Thanks to the arrival of the 7th angel of the book of revelations that hidden knowledge has now been reveled and has captured the attention of the scientific community to the point that, those two bitter enemies science and religion, are enemies no more.

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New Scientific discoveries are now offering support for a design and purpose behind the universe which implies there must be a creator involved.

Theology and Science have now entered into a new relationship and have finally managed to help put together the pieces of the puzzle called the Bible.

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Together they have finally given us a Logical, Rational and Reasonable explanation for the existence and true nature of what we all call God.

What's ironic is the fact that the science that once killed God is now resurrecting it.

Thanks to science and religion joining forces we can now answer some of life's most profound questions like.....

WHO is God ?

WHAT is God ?

WHERE is God located ?

But MOST importantly, the instructions on HOW to communicate with this Supreme Being WE all call God.

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Religious Scientist have recently created an artificial intelligence program designed to create a algorithm and apply it to the bible, to no surprise, the data exposes an Ancient interpretation that reveals the true nature of not only the god of the bible......

But of every major religion in the world !

The Data revealed an Ancient Interpretation, hidden within the bible in a coded language which is now being revealed to you.

As it turns out The God of the bible is not what we have been told nor what we expected but nonetheless it is 100 % true.

Religious Scientist can now confirm an invisible power that exist in the universe that complements the Bibles descriptions of God

We are now going to delve into a realm that no one has ever gone before, to prove to you the existence of what the Bible calls God by showing you just a few, little known bible verses which have been hidden from us all this time along with a few undisputable scientific facts that compliment the scriptures which will leave you with no doubt as to the TRUE nature of GOD.

Prepare to be shocked and amazed !

As Christians, our goal is to get close to God and as Jesus said:

John 14:6 no one comes to the father except through me.

In other words.....

we have to follow Jesus instructions !

Because he is the way.

Knowing what we know, it is our responsibility to reveal to you the secret teachings that when followed reveals the true nature of God and how to communicate with this supreme being.

This knowledge has been kept secret for thousands of years, hidden within the scriptures by the Pharisees and lawyers of the day.

This is why Jesus scolded them in:

Luke 11:52 woe unto you lawyers for ye have taken away the key of knowledge and not enter within yourselves and them that were entering in ye hindered.

The key that was taken away was the knowledge of how to enter within, instructions on how to access the power of God within ourselves where man's true power resides.

The truth is that this key (knowledge) was not taken away,

it was hidden in plain site within the Bible, until now !

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You see, the Bible is a puzzle, in the form of a riddle, wrapped up in an enigma, made to confuse the masses and enlighten the few so consider yourself blessed and privy to have obtained this life changing information.

The biggest secret about Jesus is that he did not come to show us how special he was, as mentioned in:

Romans 5:5 so also Christ glorified not himself to be made an high priest.

His message was to show us how special we are !

Jesus said in John 14:12 everything that I do you can do also, even greater.

It says even greater, imagine that....

1 Corinthians 3:16 says know ye not that ye are the temple of God and that the spirit of God dwells in you.

Jesus said in Luke 1:37 if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, nothing would be impossible.

The trick is, in order to do the impossible you must follow the instructions given to us hidden deep within the scriptures.

Jesus said in luke 6:46 why do you call me lord and do not the things I say.

Do you know what to do ?

Have you ever been told that jesus gave us specific instructions ?

Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 the first thing we must do is to seek the kingdom of God then all things will be given to you.

You may ask yourself, where is this Kingdom that we must search for and how do we find it ?

Let's see what Jesus said about that particular subject.

When Jesus was asked by the Pharisees about the kingdom and when the kingdom of God would come Jesus replied.

Luke 17:20 KJV, the kingdom of God comes not with observation, neither shall they say lo here or lo there for behold the kingdom of God is within you.

Once again the focus is about something within us, something so special that the Pharisees tried to stop those who were entering within themselves.

What does entering within mean and how do you do it ?

PROPER PRAYER is the key

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Our objective here is to prove a connection between the bible, our bodies and the universe.

By connecting the dots we can now prove the scriptures by using scientific data bringing Bible scriptures to life.

If we are to seek the divine we must follow the instructions!

This book was the missing piece of the puzzle. I knew a lot but now all my eyes are completely open. How could it be that after all these years attending church i have never noticed these truths neither have I ever been told about these particular bible verses in all my years attending service


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So the First thing Jesus instructs us to do in order to contact God is to seek the kingdom, he then tells us where this kingdom is found which he said is within you.

Next he said we must practice the single EYE.

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Matthew 6:22 If your EYE be single your whole body will be filled with light.

You may ask yourself what did Jesus mean by if your EYE be single....

What EYE ?

What is this light that he says will fill my body if my EYE be single.

Notice these 3 scriptures which also speak of the EYE aswell.

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Deuteronomy 34:7 and Moses was an hundred and twenty years old when he died: his EYE was not dim, nor his natural force abated.

Job 17:7 my EYE is also dim by reason of sorrow.

How can a eye get dim or be sad ?

Psalms 88:9 mine EYE morneth by reason of affliction.

How can a EYE be afflicted ?

What EYE do they keep referring to anyway ?

If you read the two verses prior, psalms 88:7 it says,

thy wrath lieth hard upon me, and thou has afflicted me with all the waves.

Afflicted with waves ??

How can a EYE be afflicted by a wave ?

What is a "wave" anyway ?

Einstein said light is a particle (photon) and the flow of photons is a wave !

This is where Science and Religion see EYE to EYE literally

The importance of the single EYE is stated clearly in Jesus statement because he says your whole body will be filled with light.

Could it be that the EYE that Jesus is referring to is in actuality the pineal gland of the brain...

Also known as the the third EYE ???

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That’s what the data revealed !

Amazingly in the center of our brain we have a organ called the pineal gland, Science says the pineal gland / third EYE is the light receptor of the body, it opens and absorbs invisible light (waves) in Darkness.

Science says that the pineal gland of the brain is the light receptor of the body that functions actively in the dark and since it is named in Scriptures the significance of that gland takes on a greater meaning and importance especially since the bible says that God is light.

This means if God is light and the pineal gland is the brain's light receptor then it is reasonable and logical to consider that the pineal gland is your body's God receptor.

You must understand that it is your choice to activate your third EYE as Jesus instructed, no one can do it for you, you will either do it or you won't.

It is not automatic....

It is up to you !

Now let's see what the Bible says about this pineal gland/third EYE.

In the Old Testament, Jacob has an experience with God and what does he call the place where this experience occurs?

Genesis 32:30 and Jacob called the name of the place pineal for I have seen God face to face and my life is preserved.

God said in exodus 33:20 no man shal see his face and live.....

Yet Jacob did.....

Why the exception ?

Could it be that the only way to see God is to look with our internal EYE and not our external ones ?

Lets learn a little about the Science of prayer and see how it fits in to all this.

Christians say that we must pray to Jesus but Jesus himself said otherwise, he said on many occasions to pray to the father and He even left us instructions in the bible on how to pray properly.....

But we missed it.

Jesus instructions on how to pray where as follows:

Matthew 6:6 when thou prayest enter into thy closet and when thou has shut the door pray to the Father which is in secret and thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee in public.

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The point here is not to go into a closet and pray the point is to pray in the dark as it would be if you enter a closet and close the door.

The secret lies within these scriptures below which refer to darkness that will help guide you as to how to communicate with this Supreme light called God.

Psalm 18:11 he made Darkness his secret place.

Isaiah 45:3 I will give you the treasures of Darkness riches stored in secret places so that you may know that I am the Lord thy God.

Psalms 97:2 clouds and thick Darkness surrounding righteousness and Justice are the foundation of his throne.

Psalms 112:4 unto the upright there arises light in the Darkness.

Micah 7:8 when I sit in darkness the Lord will be a light to me.

All these scriptures in the Bible make reference to God dwelling in DARKNESS and the benefits of the healing light which one receives as it says in:

Isaih 58:8 then shall thy light break forth as the morning and thine health shall spring forth speedily.

Luke 4:23 " physician heal thyself "

All these scriptures gave us clues and we all missed it.

Thank you for sharing these truths with the world !


In the New Testament Jesus confirms the power of proper prayer when done in darkness.

Matthew 4:16 those who sat in darkness saw great light.

Jesus himself prayed at night so if we are to follow Jesus instructions we must do as he did, it must be in darkness.

Luke 6:12 He went out into a mountain to pray all night.

Remember we must follow the instructions !

Now let's get back to what Jesus meant by by saying in Matthew 6:22 the light of the body is the EYE, if your EYE be single your whole body will be filled with light.

This is the key that unlocks the scriptures, literally and establishes a connection between our brains our bodies and the universal power we all call God.

We are called to stimulate the eye because that is the the way it works !

When the pineal gland is activated it vibrates and produces a hormone called melatonin which science has recently found that melatonin could be an excellent candidate for prevention and treatment of several cancers such as breast cancer and prostate cancer as well as other diseases.

Now let's learn a little bit about what he meant by the light that will fill us if our EYE be single.

What is Light ?

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Light is alternating Electromagnetic fields traveling through space in the form of waves. Light can be described both as a wave and as a particle, these are waves of electromagnetic radiation like, sun light, moon light, star light etc.

The bible says God is light:

1 John 1:5 this is the message which we have heard of him and declare unto you, God is light.

Isn't that interesting, in the Bible God is being defined as a light being.

Notice they chose the word declare, the meaning of the word declare is to state a Fact !

The bible states that God is light, science says Light is alternating Electromagnetic fields traveling through space in the form of waves.

Light can be described both as a wave and as a particle, this is what Jesus meant by saying Me and my Father are one.

The FACTS are, Lights are waves of electromagnetic radiation.....

Planks quantum theory says that light is transmitted in whole pieces in the form of photons.

Photons are non-physical yet they form the basis for the physical world.

So what is a Photon ?

Non physical light that creates the physical world.

If The Bible declares that God is light then technically that qualifies God as being a photon.

The Bible says that God is invisible and no man can see God's invisible light, so If this invisible light is the basis for the physical world and that's what Planck's quantum theory says then maybe we're starting to get a little closer to understanding what this thing we call God is in reality.

First let's see what the Bible say about WHO God is.

Numbers 23:19 God is not a man that he should lie.

This verse clearly states God the creator is non human.

So much for the father figure sitting on a throne in the sky.

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Ok, let's recap what the Bible says about WHAT God is.

1 John 1:5 this is the message which we have heard of him and declare unto you, God is light.

Remember the Meaning of the word declare is:

A formal declaration about a fact.

This means a statement was being made here.

Keep in mind that God the creator is being defined as a light being here.

These two bible verses Num 29:19 and

1 john 1:5 should be significant for all of us as people who have been following religious journeys all our lives, I think it is time to reconsider and understand the true nature of God once and for all and follow the instructions given to us a long long time ago.

Once you understand the true nature of God the Bible becomes alive and the pieces of the puzzle start coming together piece by piece.


Not just any light but a special one, invisible to the naked eye like let's say, infrared light, ultraviolet light, x-ray, and gamma rays etc.

Once you understand the true nature of God the Bible becomes alive and the pieces of the puzzle start coming together piece by piece.

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If this is so the fact that God is light, we can change the statement of Jesus concerning the single eye to read like this.

Mathew 6:22 the light of the body is the eye therefore if your eye be single your whole body will be filled with God.

The Bible connects God with light, Science is connecting the single eye with the pineal gland, the pineal gland is the light receptor of the body, Jacob of the Old Testament has an experience with God

"light" and what does he call the place where this experience occurs.....

He named the place PINEAL

I have been going to church ALL my life and I have never heard a preacher or pastor mention any of this. Thanks to this book I now KNOW the TRUTH !

Jesica, Devout Christian

The power of the pineal gland is the biggest secret ever kept from the western world !

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The pineal gland or the third eye has long been considered the most powerful and highest source of ethereal energy available to humans, it has always been important in initiating Supernatural powers.

We have seen the scriptures that tell us that God the creator is not a man, a non human, instead the Bible describes God as a light being meaning God is a photon, something beyond our comprehension.

Only the single EYE or the pineal gland can see the photon/light, but it requires us to go into the dark and activate it willingly

It says in John 4:23 true worshippers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father seeks such to worship Him.

The word spirit is actually a religious word used by those of the Middle Ages to try and identify the sub atomic realm where true power resides, the quantum Realm, they did not understand this scientifically so they called it spirit.

The Bible calls it Spirit but what is Spirit ?

The definition of spirit is: the vital principle or animating Force within all living beings.

There is no question as to what spirit is, Science says it is Electro magnetism because that is the only thing that exists inside of you that animates you, it is electricity that operates your body and it is called photon.

This animating Force in actuality is electricity but the light which the bible calls God is only received by the pineal gland when activated.

In other words to communicate with God it is necessary to do so in spirit and in truth for the father seeks such to worship Him.

Notice that God, the Supreme light seeks, that is the way it works.

If one is to make contact with this supreme light called God the only way to do it is through the Quantum realm in meditation,

light to light.

Now let's define the word Truth in the Bible

John 14:6 Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life.

Psalms 119:142 thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness and thy law is the Truth.

Here we have two Bible verses defining the word Truth, the law is basically instructions that when followed brings blessings like health, power and prosperity, unmerited favor.

Jesus is the truth as well because his instructions are the only way we can ever see God.

He is the way, that is the law !

So this act of communicating with the

Supreme light must be done in spirit, light to

light, it can not be done by singing or

praying with words.

The secret that the religions in the western world have missed is that the Bible was written in CODE like:

Parables, allegories, metaphors, mysteries, Dark sayings etc.

How this works is as follows.....

Our bodies are made of atoms, atoms contain electrons, understand that we are focusing not on the entire body but on the electrons in the pineal gland because the pineal gland is the light receptor of the body.

In order to activate the pineal gland you must meditate because that is the only way it will vibrate and attract the invisible light or should we say God.

Scientists at NASA tell us that photons can respond to the electrons, the process of absorption involves making the electron that is doing the absorbing vibrate.

In other words in order to absorb the God photon the receiving electrons in the pineal gland must vibrate and the only way to do this is through meditation.

When we say Meditate it does not mean to think about or focus on a particular thing, it means to engage in a mental exercise for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness.

The reason why meditation is so important is because we are trying to attract specific photons or angles of light coming to Earth from above called Photons which in reality are messenger particles that deliver messages from cell to cell. The bible calls these lights Angels of light which deliver messages from God to certain prophets.

Both are messengers....

Get the message ?

Jesus instructions were to practice the single EYE, he said if your EYE be single your body will be filled with light, now we know that the Bible defines God as light, we also know that the single EYE is the pineal gland of the brain which absorbs light and now we know Jacob saw God face to face and lived, he called the place pineal.

This is the eternal life we all are looking for, this is what Jesus meant by he is the way to eternal life.

Keep in mind that the Bible is saying that no one comes into contact with the light or in this case God except via the pineal gland.

To activate the third EYE and perceive higher dimensions, a correct relationship must be established between the mind and body to activate the pineal gland and create the magnetic field which attracts light "photons" this is only achieved only through meditation or should we say proper prayer.

Meditation in the Bible

Genesis 24:63 he went out to the field one evening to meditate.

Psalms 119:99 I have more insight than all my teachers for I meditate on your statutes.

Psalms 63:6 when I remember thee upon my bed and meditate on thee in the night watches.

Psalms 119:148 mine eyes prevent the night watches that I might meditate in thy word.

Psalms 104:34 my meditation and shall be sweet I will be glad in the Lord.

Remember the pineal gland ONLY opens in the dark, you have to stimulate the right hemisphere of the brain.

You stimulate the right Hemisphere by shutting down the left. You shut down the left side of your brain by watching your thoughts in meditation.

To shut off thoughts you can use certain music which prevents you from thinking, when it is time the electrons in the penile gland begin to vibrate, the photons can then be absorbed and the healing of your mind body and spirit will begin.

This is why we dream at night when we sleep, when your mind is still, not thinking.

When you meditate you are willingly taking no thought which then starts the process of vibrating the electrons in your pineal gland.

Proper prayer consist of not thinking while you're awake, that's the key.

Ok now, So far we have given you a glimpse of WHO is God, WHAT is God, WHERE he/it dwells and most of all we have showed you HOW to communicate with the Supreme light called God.

It is up to you to follow the instructions Jesus gave us, and what science is now confirming to be true.

We have offered you three options on how to obtain this book full of scientific FACTS that complement the Bible so.....

It is now up to you to open the door.

Rev 3:20 behold, I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in.

Obviously this statement it's not to be taken literally, this is to be understood spirituality, there is no physical door, no knocking, no physical Jesus, this is a metaphor referring to you opening the door of your pineal gland, the only Spiritual door available in your body which literally opens and closes.

Think about it how else is the spirit of Jesus and god going to enter within you ?

They say you must let Jesus come into your heart but now that you know the truth does that make any sense?

So what do you say?

Are you going to open your heart or your pineal gland?

Heb 5:9 he became the author of Eternal salvation unto all them that obey him.

As you can see, we must obey Jesus and follow his instructions because he is the way and that is the way it works!



What is God

Where is God located



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